Kalle Manninen (M.Sc)

Kalle Manninen, Technical Scientist, holds an M.Sc. in Pharmacy from the University of Helsinki with a major in Biopharmacy. During his studies he was chosen to the researcher line in the Faculty of Pharmacy, so he has worked as a Research Assistant in several research projects, where most of his professional time was used on utilizing Surface plasmon resonance and Raman spectroscopy in characterization of extracellular vesicles and polymer brushes. Kalle was first introduced to Valo Therapeutics as a seasonal worker to establish an isothermal titration calorimetry method for biophysical characterization of PeptiCRAd complexes, which ultimately ended up being the topic of his master's thesis. Following his graduation he continues developing methods of analysis for elucidating PeptiCRAd properties and complexation. 

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Position / title
Technical Scientist